Shoulder sit


Reverse shoulder sit (i.e flyer is facing base) has two variations - flyer can sit on shoulders or base can use hands to support flyer (needed for pops). This is a bit more advanced lift because the balance is relatively hard, both for base and for flyer.

Most of these are reverse shoulder sit (flyer faces base), unless otherwise noted.

Roll up

Too difficult to explain, wait for video.


Too difficult to explain, wait for video.

First it's actual shoulder sit, base's arms are preventing flyer from falling back. Next version is throne sit on bent arms.


Good test of stability and strength drill. Can be done slowly (arms only) or with legs and pop at the end.

Roll down exit

Base's arms are around flyer's waist, flyer holds base's wrists, rolls back, lading is similar to walkover.

Back flip exit

Toss to backflip, several skill levels are available:

  • base holds hips and supports sacrum during flip, this is to give better support to flyer

  • base tosses flyer into backflip, very little upward momentum

  • base tosses flyer up then into backflip, this requires flyer to do some work

  • fully up then flyer does backflip

Toss to cradle

Toss up, half twist, land in cradle hold

Front should sit

This is usually used as transitional pose, see e.g. Tessarin.

Front shoulder sit to inversion

Flyer is facing away from base, lift to inversion, base holds flyer's hip, flyer holds base's arm. Exit to hal twist half front flip or dive.