Waist hold


Waist and/or hips hold have variations well suited for beginners. These teach basic synchronization, working with momentum and the non-advanced versions are fairly safe.

Hip/waist hold lift

Partners are facing each other, base holds flyer's hip, flyer holds base's wrists. Exact position of bases hands can differ depending on where the lift goes etc. Experiment. Flyer jumps up, base follows and lifts flyer. This can be anywhere from just a tiny lift all the way to pop at the top (timing requires relatively lot of training, flyer need to push off at the right time).

Hip/waist hold lift reverse

Similar to regular hip/waist hold lift but flyer is facing away from base. Can end up in shoulder sit or can go all the way up (see toss to hands in this section).


Dirty dancing pose. Can be done with flyer's hands on base's shoulders (this is easier for most people) or with a short run-up without helps of flyer's hands.

Useful variation is lift to folded leaf which can lead to hangle-dangle.

Backbend (back bird)

Somewhat similar to bird but flyer is facing opposite way (starts facing away from base). Base's hands should be on sacrum, not lower back.

During initial part of the jump flyer should lean backwards (towards base) but not bend. Flyer can hold base's wrist at the beginning. Bending happen towards the top. Flyers arms are to the side or up (in relation to flyer).


Torch is a one arm backbend. Starts with bases hand on sacrum (middle) and other hand holding ankle (or foot). Flyer jumps up (steps up on the legs that base is holding), leans backwards (this is very important, otherwise base's hand on sacrum will slide). Flyer uses arms to help jump, i.e. is not holding base. Most flyer have good balance when one leg is bent (foot near knee) and arms are up (more or less narrow, experiment).

Toss to medium f2h

This is a preparation for Bettarini (which is a flip from this position) or toss to hands (more advanced version of this lift).

Toss to hands

This is the cheerleading toss to hands, it's an advanced version of hip/waist lift. It needs to be high enough so that flyer ends up in standing f2h.