Straight arms
Many straight arms lifts are suitable for beginners. They are a bit more advanced than waist/hips hold lifts in general and require better handling of momentum, i.e. there is transfer of horizontal momentum (flyers moves towards base) to vertical momentum.
Straight arms lift when flyer is facing away from base is fairly simple movement but requires lot of skills to perform correctly.
Reverse straight arms lift
This can be practiced in many forms, all of them requiring flyers arms to be straight all the time. Base uses flyers momentum to bounce the flyer up.
just lift
base on knees, flyer steps very close then steps out (one leg only) then in and the base uses that momentum to lift flyer
same as previous but base starts standing up, goes to deep squat when bouncing flyer up
same as previous but flyer starts way from base
High side star
There are many other entrances to high side star, here we are only covering the straight arm jump. Flyer has one arm straight (base supports that arm) and other arm on base's shoulder. Base supports flyer arm and hip. Flyer jumps and leans over base.