Uncategorized lifts


Some odd lifts are listed here (they might be categorized later).


Similar to bird but flyer's hand stay on base's shoulders and base holds flyer's thighs (close to knees) instead of hips. Flyer is half tucked.

Cartwheel pretzel arms

Cartwheel in front of base, hand to hand hold. This is easier or harder depending on which arm is on top, usually it's recommended to start with easier version and do the harder version on the way back.


Easy version starts with flyer's head up. A bit more advanced version starts with sort of cartwheel so flyer's starts in inversion.


If flyer is light enough this is an easy lift that doesn't need lot of technique. But it's much easier and looks better/lighter if flyer knows how to jump into it.


High arabesque has easy version (flyer stands on base's shoulder) and more advanced version where flyer just uses base's arm. It can transition to hangle dangle (it's opposite hold of hangle dangle compared to the one from folded leaf lift).


Piggy back, toss to shoulder stand, toss to shoulder sit (half front flip) to dive.

This is fairly advanced but the first part (to shoulder stand) can be spotted fairly well and is only slightly advanced.


See jump to shoulder sit to forward double at timestamp 0:27